Can You Wall Paper Over Wallpaper

Can You Wallpaper Over Wallpaper: A Simple Guide to Updating Your Walls

Are you tired of looking at the same old wallpaper in your home? Are you wondering if you can simply wallpaper over the existing wallpaper instead of going through the arduous task of removing it? In this guide, we'll explore whether it's possible to wallpaper over wallpaper and provide you with some helpful tips and considerations to achieve the best results.

Is Wallpapering Over Wallpaper Possible?

Yes, it is possible to wallpaper over existing wallpaper. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind before you proceed. Firstly, the condition of the existing wallpaper plays a crucial role in determining whether it is suitable for wallpapering over. If the current wallpaper is peeling, damaged, or uneven, it's recommended to remove it before applying new wallpaper. Wallpapering over such surfaces will only lead to a subpar result, as the imperfections will show through the new wallpaper.

Another important factor to consider is the thickness of the existing wallpaper. If the previous wallpaper is thick and textured, it may create an uneven surface that can affect the adhesion of the new wallpaper. In such cases, removing the old wallpaper is the best course of action to ensure a smooth and professional-looking finish.

Preparing Your Walls for Wallpapering Over Wallpaper

Prior to wallpapering over existing wallpaper, there are a few preparatory steps you should follow:

Clean the Walls: Ensure that the surface is free from any dirt, dust, or grease. Use a mild detergent and warm water solution to clean the walls, and let them fully dry before proceeding.

Repair Any Damage: If you notice any tears, bubbles, or loose edges in the existing wallpaper, fix them using an adhesive or wallpaper paste. It's essential to have a smooth and stable base for the new wallpaper.

Smooth Out the Surface: If the existing wallpaper has a textured or embossed pattern, you may need to sand it lightly to create a smoother surface. This will help the new wallpaper adhere evenly.

Choosing the Right Wallpaper for Over Wallpaper

When wallpapering over existing wallpaper, it's crucial to select the right type of wallpaper to ensure a successful application:

Vinyl Wallpaper: Vinyl wallpaper is a popular choice for wallpapering over existing wallpaper due to its durability and moisture-resistant properties. It can effectively cover up imperfections and provide a smooth finish.

Pre-Pasted Wallpaper: Pre-pasted wallpaper comes with an adhesive backing, making it easier to apply over existing wallpaper. Ensure that the pre-pasted wallpaper is compatible with the existing wallpaper before proceeding.

Strippable Wallpaper: Strippable wallpaper is designed to be easily removed without leaving any residue. It can be a good option if you plan on changing the wallpaper frequently or if you decide to remove the wallpapers in the future.

Removing Wallpaper Before Applying New Wallpaper

If the existing wallpaper is in poor condition or you prefer to start fresh, removing it before applying new wallpaper is the recommended approach. Here are a few methods to remove wallpaper:

Steamer: A steamer is a popular method for removing wallpaper. It uses steam to loosen the adhesive, making it easier to scrape off the wallpaper with a putty knife or scraper.

Wallpaper Stripper: Wallpaper stripper solution can be applied directly to the wallpaper, allowing it to penetrate and dissolve the adhesive. This makes it easier to remove the wallpaper using a scraper.

Score and Soak: Using a scoring tool, create small perforations on the wallpaper, then apply a wallpaper removal solution or a mix of fabric softener and water. Let it soak in for a few minutes before scraping off the wallpaper.

Tips for a Successful Wallpapering Project

Whether you choose to wallpaper over existing wallpaper or remove it beforehand, here are some tips to ensure a successful outcome:

Measure Accurately: Measure the dimensions of your walls accurately to determine the amount of wallpaper needed. Be sure to account for any doors, windows, or other obstacles that may affect the measurements.

Proceed with Caution: When wallpapering over existing wallpaper, be gentle with the pressure and avoid pressing too hard. Applying too much pressure can cause the adhesive from the existing wallpaper to seep through, resulting in bubbles or an uneven finish.

Smooth Out Air Bubbles: Use a wallpaper smoother or a clean, damp sponge to smooth out any air bubbles or wrinkles that may appear during the application process. This will ensure a seamless and professional-looking finish.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, wallpapering over wallpaper can be a convenient option if the existing wallpaper is in good condition and the surface is smooth. However, it's essential to assess the condition and thickness of the existing wallpaper before making a decision. If the existing wallpaper is damaged or textured, it's best to remove it before applying new wallpaper to achieve the desired results. Remember to prepare the walls properly, choose the right type of wallpaper, and follow the recommended techniques to ensure a successful wallpapering project.