How Much Wall Paper Do i Need

How Much Wallpaper Do I Need? A Comprehensive Guide

Calculating the Amount of Wallpaper Needed

When it comes to decorating your walls with wallpaper, it's crucial to determine the right amount you'll need to cover the entire space. To calculate this, you'll first need to measure the height and width of each wall you plan to cover. Once you have these measurements, you can use a simple formula to determine the total square footage:

Wall Height (in feet) x Wall Width (in feet) = Wall Square Footage

Once you've calculated the square footage for each wall, you can add them together to get the total square footage for the room. This calculation is vital as it determines the amount of wallpaper you need to purchase.

Factoring in Pattern Repeats

It's important to consider the pattern repeat of your chosen wallpaper design when calculating how much you need. Wallpaper patterns often have a repeating motif, which means each roll will have a pattern that needs to match up with the next. To account for this, you'll need to calculate the "usable footage" of each roll by subtracting the pattern repeat from the total square footage of the roll.

For example, if a roll of wallpaper has a pattern repeat of 12 inches and the total square footage is 56 square feet, the usable footage would be 56 - (12/12) = 48 square feet. You'll need to divide the total usable footage by the square footage of one roll to determine the number of rolls needed.

Keep in mind that it's always recommended to purchase an extra roll or two of wallpaper to allow for any mistakes or future touch-ups that may be needed.

Accounting for Doors and Windows

When calculating the amount of wallpaper needed, don't forget to account for any doors or windows present on the wall. These areas will not be covered with wallpaper, so you'll need to subtract their square footage from the total square footage of the wall.

To calculate the square footage of a door or window, simply multiply the height by the width. Once you have this measurement, subtract it from the total square footage of the wall to get the final square footage that will require wallpaper.

By accurately accounting for doors and windows, you can ensure that you purchase the right amount of wallpaper and avoid any unnecessary wastage.

Selecting the Right Wallpaper Roll Size

Now that you've figured out the amount of wallpaper you need, it's time to consider the size of the wallpaper rolls. Wallpaper rolls come in various widths and lengths, so it's essential to choose the right size for your project.

The most common wallpaper roll sizes are single rolls and double rolls. Single rolls typically measure 21 inches wide and 33 feet long, covering approximately 57.8 square feet. Double rolls, on the other hand, are usually 21 inches wide and 56 feet long, covering approximately 115.6 square feet.

Considering the Wallpaper Pattern Match

When selecting the wallpaper roll size, the pattern match of your chosen wallpaper is an important factor to consider. There are three main types of pattern matches:

  • Straight match: The pattern repeats horizontally across the width of the wallpaper. In this case, you can use single rolls more efficiently as each strip can be cut and hung next to the previous one without much wastage.
  • Drop match: The pattern repeats both horizontally and vertically, requiring more wallpaper to match the pattern correctly. In such cases, it's preferable to use double rolls to ensure that you have enough wallpaper to align the pattern seamlessly.
  • Random match: The pattern has no specific repeat, allowing you to start and end anywhere on the wall. In this case, you can use single rolls efficiently without worrying about pattern matching.

Consider the pattern match of your wallpaper to determine whether single or double rolls will be more suitable for your project.

Additional Considerations for Complex Rooms

If your room has complex features such as sloped ceilings, angled walls, or alcoves, you may need to consider purchasing additional wallpaper to accommodate these areas. It's always better to have extra wallpaper rolls to ensure a seamless and professional-looking installation.

Furthermore, if you're planning to use multiple wallpaper designs or create an accent wall, make sure to account for these variations in your calculations. Measure each distinct area separately and calculate the total square footage for each design or accent wall.

By taking these additional considerations into account, you can guarantee that you have enough wallpaper to complete the project without any hiccups.


Calculating the amount of wallpaper you need is a crucial step in any wallpaper installation project. By accurately measuring your walls, factoring in pattern repeats, accounting for doors and windows, and selecting the right roll size, you can ensure a smooth and successful wallpapering experience.

Remember to always purchase extra rolls of wallpaper to allow for any mistakes or future touch-ups. Consider the pattern match and any complex features in your room to determine the most suitable roll size and ensure a professional-looking result.

Now that you're equipped with this comprehensive guide, you can confidently embark on your wallpapering journey and transform your space with stylish and beautiful wallpapers.