How To Make Paper Flowers For Wall

How to Make Paper Flowers for Wall: A Step-by-Step Guide

Making paper flowers for your wall is a fun and creative way to add a touch of nature to your home decor. Not only are paper flowers beautiful, but they also last longer than real flowers and require no maintenance. In this guide, we will take you through the step-by-step process of making paper flowers for your wall. Let's get started!

Gathering Materials

Before you begin making paper flowers, you'll need to gather the necessary materials. Here's what you'll need:

  • Colored paper or cardstock
  • Scissors
  • Glue or double-sided tape
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Optional: Floral wire or pipe cleaners

Once you have all your materials ready, you can move on to the next step.

Choosing the Right Paper

When selecting paper for your paper flowers, it's important to choose the right type and color. Colored paper or cardstock are great options as they are sturdy and come in a variety of vibrant colors. Consider using different shades of the same color to create depth and dimension in your flower arrangements. You can also experiment with patterned or textured paper for added visual interest.

Next, gather your scissors, glue or double-sided tape, pencil, ruler, and optional floral wire or pipe cleaners.

Cutting and Shaping the Petals

To create your paper flowers, start by drawing and cutting out the desired shape for your petals. Common petal shapes include teardrop, heart, oval, and round. Use your ruler to ensure that each petal is of the same size and shape. You can make multiple sizes of petals for a more realistic look.

Once you have cut out the petals, use your fingers or a pencil to shape them. This will add dimension and a natural curve to your flowers. Gently curl the edges of the petals, bending them upward or downward depending on the desired effect.

Repeat this process for each petal, and remember to make more than you think you'll need. You can always discard extras but having extra petals ensures that you'll have enough for a full and lush flower.

Assembling the Flower

Now that you have your petals ready, it's time to assemble your paper flower. Here's how:

Creating the Flower Center

The flower center is an essential part of your paper flower. It adds depth and realism to your creation. To create the center, you can use a small circular piece of colored paper, a pom-pom, or a button. Glue or tape it to the center of your flower base.

If you want to get creative, you can also make a paper quill center by rolling thin strips of paper and gluing them together. This adds a unique touch to your paper flowers.

Attaching the Petals

To attach the petals to your flower base, apply glue or double-sided tape to the bottom of each petal. Start by placing a few petals in a circle around the flower center, pressing them firmly to secure them in place. As you add more petals, overlap them slightly to create a layered effect. Continue adding petals until you're satisfied with the fullness of your flower.

If you want to add an extra touch, you can cut out smaller petals and glue or tape them in the center of your flower to create a focal point. This adds depth and visual interest to your paper flowers.

Adding Finishing Touches

Once you have assembled your paper flower, you can add some finishing touches to make it more realistic and visually appealing.

Adding Detail to the Petals

To make your paper flowers look more lifelike, you can add detail to the petals. Use a pencil or scissors to gently curl the edges of the petals, creating a natural curve. You can also use colored pencils or markers to add shading or highlights to the petals, giving them a more realistic appearance.

For an extra touch of realism, you can also use a hole punch to create small holes along the edges of the petals. This mimics the texture of real flower petals and adds a delicate touch to your paper flowers.

Arranging Your Paper Flowers on the Wall

Once your paper flowers are complete, it's time to arrange them on your wall. There are several ways to do this. You can use adhesive hooks or mounting putty to attach them directly to the wall. Alternatively, you can create a backdrop or frame for your paper flowers using a poster board, canvas, or picture frame. Arrange your flowers on the backdrop, and secure them in place with glue or tape.

You can also get creative with the placement of your paper flowers. Try arranging them in a cascade or a cluster for a more dynamic look. Experiment with different colors, sizes, and shapes to create unique and eye-catching wall decor.


Making paper flowers for your wall is a creative and rewarding DIY project. With just a few simple materials, you can create beautiful and long-lasting floral decor for your home. Start by gathering your materials and choosing the right paper. Then, cut and shape the petals before assembling your flowers. Add finishing touches like detail and arrangement, and you'll have a stunning display of paper flowers on your wall. So go ahead, unleash your creativity, and bring the beauty of nature into your home with handmade paper flowers!