How To Wallpaper Corners

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How to Wallpaper Corners and Achieve a Flawless Finish

Preparing the Wallpaper Corners

Before you start wallpapering corners, it is important to properly prepare the wallpaper to ensure a smooth and flawless finish. Firstly, measure the height and length of the walls and cut the wallpaper accordingly, leaving a few extra inches for trimming. Then, apply wallpaper primer to the wall and let it dry completely. This will help the wallpaper adhere better and prevent any peeling or bubbling. Once the primer is dry, you can start hanging the wallpaper.

When wallpapering corners, it's important to create a clean and straight edge. To achieve this, make sure to overlap the wallpaper slightly at the corners. This will allow you to trim the excess later and create a seamless corner. It's also a good idea to use a straight edge or ruler to ensure that the edges of the wallpaper are straight and aligned correctly.

Using a Wallpaper Brush

One useful tool for wallpapering corners is a wallpaper brush. This tool helps to smooth out any wrinkles or air bubbles in the wallpaper, ensuring a tight and professional-looking finish. When using a wallpaper brush, start from the center of the wallpaper and gently brush towards the edges. This will help to remove any excess glue and ensure that the wallpaper is firmly adhered to the wall.

Remember to work slowly and carefully when using a wallpaper brush, as any mistakes or irregularities could be difficult to correct once the wallpaper is dry. Take your time and make sure to smooth out any wrinkles or air bubbles as you go along.

In addition to a wallpaper brush, you may also find a seam roller helpful for wallpapering corners. A seam roller can be used to press down the edges of the wallpaper and create a tight seal. This is especially important in corners, where the wallpaper is more likely to peel or lift over time.

Tips for Wallpapering Around Corners

Wallpapering around corners can be a bit tricky, but with the right technique, you can achieve a professional finish. Here are a few tips to help you navigate corners smoothly:

1. Measure and cut accurately: Before hanging the wallpaper, measure the width of the corner and cut the wallpaper accordingly. It's better to have slightly more wallpaper than necessary, as you can always trim the excess later.

2. Use a sharp utility knife: When trimming the excess wallpaper, make sure to use a sharp utility knife to create clean and precise cuts. This will help to achieve a seamless corner without any jagged edges.

3. Smooth out the wallpaper: After hanging the wallpaper, use a wallpaper brush or a soft cloth to gently smooth out any wrinkles or air bubbles. This will help the wallpaper adhere better and create a clean finish.

Choosing the Right Wallpaper for Corners

When wallpapering corners, it's important to choose the right type of wallpaper that will be easy to work with and achieve a professional finish. Here are a few considerations to keep in mind:

1. Patterned wallpaper: If you're using patterned wallpaper, make sure to match the pattern at the corners for a seamless look. This may require extra planning and measurement, but the end result will be worth it.

2. Textured wallpaper: Textured wallpaper can be more difficult to work with, especially around corners. Consider using a lighter and more flexible textured wallpaper that can be easily maneuvered into corners without losing its texture.

Dealing with Difficult Corners

Sometimes, corners can be particularly difficult to wallpaper due to their shape or size. Here are a few techniques to help you tackle those tricky corners:

1. Pre-fold the wallpaper: If the corner is at an odd angle or has a complex shape, pre-fold the wallpaper before hanging it. This will make it easier to maneuver and ensure a smooth finish.

2. Trim the wallpaper: If the corner is too tight or narrow, you may need to trim the wallpaper to fit properly. Use a sharp utility knife to carefully trim the excess wallpaper, ensuring a clean and precise cut.

3. Use a wallpaper smoother: A wallpaper smoother can help you push the wallpaper into difficult corners and ensure a tight and secure fit. Simply apply pressure to the wallpaper smoother and carefully work it into the corner.

Removing Wallpaper from Corners

If you ever need to remove wallpaper from corners, there are a few methods you can try. One common method is to use a steamer to soften the wallpaper and then gently scrape it off with a putty knife. Another method is to apply a wallpaper removal solvent or solution to the wallpaper and let it sit for a few minutes before scraping it off. Remember to be patient and take your time when removing wallpaper from corners to avoid damaging the wall underneath.

Tips for a Smooth Removal Process

Removing wallpaper from corners can be a tedious process, but these tips can help make it smoother:

1. Protect the surrounding area: Before removing wallpaper, make sure to protect the surrounding area by covering floors and furniture with drop cloths or plastic sheets.

2. Test a small area first: Before applying any wallpaper removal solvent or solution, test it on a small inconspicuous area to ensure it doesn't damage the wall or paint.

3. Work in sections: Instead of trying to remove the entire wallpaper at once, work in small sections. This will make the process more manageable and prevent the wallpaper from drying out before you have a chance to remove it.

Your journey to achieving perfectly wallpapered corners starts with proper preparation and the right techniques. By following these tips and using the right tools, you can wallpaper your corners flawlessly and create a stunning finish that will enhance the overall look of your space.


Wallpapering corners can be a challenging task, but with the right techniques, it is possible to achieve a flawless finish. Properly preparing the wallpaper, using a wallpaper brush, and carefully navigating corners are key to achieving professional-looking results. Choosing the right type of wallpaper and dealing with difficult corners require additional attention, but they are essential for a smooth process. When it comes time to remove wallpaper from corners, patience and caution are necessary to avoid damaging the walls. With these tips and tricks, you can confidently tackle wallpapering corners and achieve a stunning transformation for your space.